Chapter 42: The Death of Moses

Q1 - When Moses begged God to be allowed to cross over into the Promised Land, certainly part of his reason was his desire to see what had been the focus of his forty-year journey. But also, he wanted to continue to accompany the Israelites because he was fearful for them, that they would not do well without his leadership. How had God already planned for the continuance of their leadership? If Moses had been allowed to cross over, how might things have been different?

A1 - Moses was already 120 years old when the Israelites reached the border of Canaan. Even if he had been allowed to cross over, he would not have been able to lead them much longer. It’s doubtful that his being alive a few more years could have changed the course of events.

Just as God had prepared Moses for years for his leadership role, so He had also been preparing his successor. Joshua spent much of his life accompanying Moses, assisting him, and being close to the presence of God. Early in the Israelites’ wilderness journeys, Joshua had shown his leadership skills when he led the battle against the Amalekites. When the time came, Joshua was well prepared to step into the role God had planned for him.

It was difficult for Moses to relinquish his role after devoting so many years of his life to leading and caring for the Israelite people. He could only view life from his perspective, but fortunately, God was able to look down the course of time and see the big picture. God had already set in motion the means for continuing the leadership of His people and conquering the land of Canaan.

Q2 - Do you think Moses was fearful as he climbed Mount Nebo, knowing that he would die there? If you had an appointed time to die, how might you live your life differently?

A2 - Moses developed a closeness with God to a degree that few other humans have ever done. God Himself spoke of His close relationship with Moses in Numbers 12:6–8 when He disciplined Miriam and Aaron for speaking against Moses's wife. God also revealed His glory to Moses to the extent that is possible for humans to witness (see Exodus 33:18–23 and Exodus 34:5–9). While it’s hard to say what Moses felt as he climbed the mountain toward his death, certainly he was as prepared to meet his Maker as he could have been.

Q3 - God would speak to Moses face to face, as with a friend. When did Moses's relationship with God begin to develop? How did Moses foster that relationship? What can you do to further develop your relationship with God?

A3 - Although Moses must have learned of God from his parents and others from the Israelite community, it was not until he encountered God speaking to him from the burning bush on the mountain that he personally came to know Him. After God finally convinced him that he was to be the leader of the Israelite people, he accepted his role and tried his best to fulfill it. Even though he would become discouraged and cry out to God, he did not turn from his role. He listened to God and obeyed Him. He fell on his face before God on many occasions and prayed to Him often. He always trusted that God would do what He said He would do. 

Even though we live under the New Covenant, Moses still serves as a wonderful example to us today. By his faith in God and his obedience to His Word, he was able to draw near to God. In so doing, he also became a friend of God. 

James gives us a blueprint for how we can draw near to God in James 4:6b–8a (NKJV): “‘God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.’ Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” 


Chapter 41: God Gives Moses a Song