Called by God
By Marilynn E. Hood
What have you been called to do in life?
When God called Moses to lead the Israelite people out of Egyptian slavery, something wonderful happened during that long and difficult journey—
Moses developed a deep and abiding relationship with the Almighty!
Moses: Called By God looks at the life of Moses, from the time his mother set him afloat in a basket on the Nile River to his final climb up Mt. Nebo to his death.
The latest book in my Relationship Bible Study Series, Moses: Called By God examines how the relationship between Moses and God developed. It is my hope that in studying Moses’s life you may be encouraged to develop and strengthen your own relationship with the Almighty!
Can’t wait to learn more about Moses? Click the button below to connect with me, and you’ll be sent the link to download the free Bonus Lesson:
“Moses and Jesus: Six Similarities”
God’s call on your life may seem impossible,
And maybe you've thought . . .
I'm not the one for the job.
I don't know how to do what You're asking me to do.
It's simply too much.
I'm exhausted by my responsibilities.
You aren't alone. When God called Moses to lead His people out of slavery, Moses begged God to choose someone else.
But God called Moses.
The job He'd given Moses was massive and, yes, it seemed impossible. But God never expected him to do it alone.
Called by God to an extraordinary, life-changing journey, Moses led a fledgling nation of doubtful and often discontented people to the Promised Land. Along the way, he faced incredible challenges and disappointments. Moses also discovered a truth that remains today: The One True God offers incomparable love and mercy to those who follow Him.
This study of Moses's life focuses on the relationship he had with God, a relationship he did not ask for or expect. God's calling on Moses's life was less of an invitation and more of a directive, but as Moses learned to trust God's goodness and faithfulness, he experienced the kind of closeness that God desires to have with you today.