Chapter 8: Moses Becomes a Leader

Exodus 4:27-5:21

Q1 - Consider the journey Moses and his family made to the mountain of God through the eyes of Zipporah and the children. What do you think they were feeling? How much of a part would they play in the future in Moses's life?

A1 - This is a thought question, as little is known about what family life was like for Moses and Zipporah during the time he lived in Midian. However, once Moses encountered God in the burning bush on the mountain, it’s likely that normal family living for them was over. From that point forward, Moses's leadership of the Israelite people seemed to consume his life and little mention is made of his family. Moses's sons and grandsons are listed later as being from the tribe of Levi in 1 Chronicles 23:14–17.

Q2 - Consider Moses and Aaron’s leadership through the eyes of the Israelites, whose lives had quickly gone from bad to very bad. What choices did they have? What power did they hold over their own lives? What do you think they were feeling?

A2 - The lives of the Israelites were controlled by their Egyptian masters. They had no power and nothing with which to bargain. Before Moses and Aaron came onto the scene, they were already having to work hard. The request Moses and Aaron made of Pharaoh to go worship their God made the plight of the Israelites even worse. They were placed in the impossible position of having to gather their own materials while at the same time producing just as much as they had before. They must have felt trapped in a hopeless, no-win situation. From their position at the bottom of the chain of command, they were unable to see the big picture of what God had in store for them.

Q3 - Moses spent eighty years preparing for his signature role as the leader of the Israelite nation, but he did not realize that until the day of the burning bush. Seeing as how he lived to be 120, his life at this point was two-thirds over! Most of the things he’s known for throughout the Bible he accomplished during the last third of his life.

It’s the same for you: You have been preparing for your future your entire life, and everything up to this moment serves as prelude for what will follow. Think of examples of people of various ages in the Bible who allowed God to work through their lives. How can you serve God with the rest of your life, no matter how much or how little is left?

A3 - Answers will vary. It will be interesting to hear what everyone has to say.


Chapter 7: Moses Leaves for Egypt


Chapter 9: Moses Questions God